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What we are:
The Société des Ingénieurs de l'Automobile (SIA) is the Learned Society of the automotive industry in France. It is a non-profit-making French association created in 1927, which brings together managers, expert engineers and technicians working for the automotive industry.
Its ambition is to promote the development and sharing of knowledge to moving forward together.
The association is managed by an Executive Bureau appointed by its Board of Directors, composed of 24 members representing the sector in France. Its president is elected for 3 years.
In 2020, it will have 2200 members, 13 active Communities of Experts, 15,000 specialists and experts in its network, 30 annual meetings and events.
Every year, the SIA organises numerous congresses, symposium, technical study days, workshops, etc., for automotive engineering professionals throughout the world, publishes numerous technical journals and aims to develop young people's interest in automotive technology.
The SIA is a member of the International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies (Fisita): a grouping of the world's learned automotive societies.
We are a permanent laboratory of ideas at the service of the future of the automotive industry!